Wood Turning Round Logo


Turning Round Pictures:
  •  Wood turning pictures AnigreStopper3 for Turning Round
  •  Wood turning pictures AnigreStopper6 for Turning Round
  •  Wood turning pictures AnigreStopper2 for Turning Round
  •  Wood turning pictures AnigreStopper1 for Turning Round
  •  Wood turning pictures AnigreStopper4 for Turning Round
  •  Wood turning pictures AnigreStopper5 for Turning Round
Anigre (a-knee-gray) is the wood of the week.

Anigre (a-knee-gray) is a light and tan heart-wood which has a fairly straight grain. Commonly found with a "wave" like appearance running through the grain offering a unique luster. If left unfinished, Anigre has a cedar-like scent that appeals to many.

I just got a nice big piece of this wood and started to turn it into toppers. It is a nice wood to turn and works very well. The interior of the wood was soft and the threads I created to hold the topper on the mandrel and the stopper

email addr in image
NOTE: My email address is shown here in the picture with my Jeepin Dog. I had to put it in a picture so I wouldn't get so much spam email. If you have questions please email me.